Marble House Editions
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Elizabeth Uhlig
The Book of Days   The Book of Days

Written and Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, hardback with dust jacket, 228 pages, October 2022, ISBN 978-1-7332299-5-1, $16.95

About the book: A compilation written over two decades, The Book of Days is a collection of Elizabeth Uhlig's poetry covering a wide range of topics. Ms. Uhlig derives her ideas for poetry from nature, childhood memories, history and concepts worth pondering. Also included are some poems from her children's books. There are over 365 poems to enjoy – one for every day of the year – including Leap Year! This is a limited-edition, deluxe edition with a dust jacket and 131 illustrations.

About the author: Elizabeth Uhlig is the author and illustrator of seventeen books for young readers and has illustrated books for other authors. Widely traveled and proficient in many languages, Elizabeth has always loved world cultures. She has incorporated her observations and experiences into this book which contains artwork spanning more than fifty years. For more information about Elizabeth's books, go to

To order your autographed copy, mail $16.95 + $4.50 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

Crossing the Water: Body and Soul   Crossing the Water: Body and Soul

Written by Albert Nadler

Published by Marble House Editions, hardback, 112 pages, December 2021, ISBN 978-1-7332299-2-0, $25.95

About the book: Crossing the Water: Body and Soul is a story that encompasses a journey of more than ninety years. Born in Transylvania during the 1920s into an upper middle-class family, Albert Nadler had his young life interrupted by the onset of WWII. He suffered the loss of his family, his community, and the Hungarian culture that characterized that time and place.

His journey, however, was a triumphant one that brought him to New York City, where he established himself as an American. He went on to have a family and a meaningful career, thus making a contribution to his newfound homeland.

About the author: Albert Nadler, born in 1925, is a successful physical therapist who worked in his field well into his nineties. He is the husband of the late dearly cherished Marta Nadler, and is a much-loved father, father-in-law, grandfather and great-grandfather.

A review of Crossing the Water: Body and Soul may be found on the website of The Queens Gazette.

To order your autographed copy, mail $25.95 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

Storybook Words of Long Ago   Storybook Words of Long Ago
An ABC Book

Written and Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 52 pages, February 2020, ISBN 978-0-9966224-2-4, $12.95
For ages 6 through 9.

About the book: Storybook Words of Long Ago is an ABC book for older readers who would like to increase their vocabulary. How many times have you seen a beautiful, old-fashioned illustration, but could not describe it? This book will give you a chance to learn some new, useful, and lovely words!

About the author: Elizabeth Uhlig is the author and illustrator of more than fifteen books of poetry for young readers. All her books can be found on the Marble House Editions web site at

A review of Storybook Words of Long Ago may be found on the website of The Queens Gazette.

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

If a Dinosaur Were Your Pet   If a Dinosaur Were Your Pet

Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, December 2019, ISBN 978-1-7332299-0-6, $12.95
For ages 4 through 9.

About this book and its author: What would it be like to have your own dinosaur? If a Dinosaur Were Your Pet shows us something about what it takes to care for your stegosaurus, raptor, hamster, rabbit, or any creature that belongs to you. Written in rhyme, this book is full of valuable tips for all young animal lovers.

Elizabeth Uhlig, author/illustrator, has created the pictures for this story from tiny scraps of paper and little touches of paint. A dinosaur lover herself, Ms. Uhlig hopes her readers will enjoy meeting the children and their pets in this book. She has written 17 other books for young readers, including Oh, Me, Oh My, Oh How I Wish That I Could Fly! and Lovely Toys of Long Ago.

A review of If a Dinosaur Were Your Pet may be found on the website of The Queens Gazette.

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

H is for Harp   H is for Harp
An Alphabet Book of Traditional Irish Music, Culture, and Heritage

Written by Doris Marie Meyer
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig
With a CD by Gabriel Donohue

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 40 pages, July 2019, ISBN 978-0-9966224-8-6, $12.95
This book is also available in hardcover, ISBN 978-0-9966224-9-3, $14.95
For ages 7 and up.

About the author: Doris Marie Meyer has been president of the American Irish Teachers Association and chairwoman of the Irish American Committee of the NYC United Federation of Teachers for the past ten years. She is honored to have received awards from the New York City Department of Education Emerald Society, the Catholic Teachers Association, the NYC Irish American Heritage & Culture Committee as "Irish American Woman of the Year" and The Irish Echo newspaper as one of the Top 100 Irish Americans in Labor with a special recognition for "Building Community." She taught for twenty-five years in P.S. 158 in Manhattan, and for almost twenty of those years she maintained a learning link between her students and children in Coolbock National School in Riverstown, County Sligo, and their teacher and principal, Martin Enright. Doris currently works as Managing Director for Mick Moloney's Cultural Tours.

About the illustrator: Elizabeth Uhlig is a children's book author/illustrator who specializes in multicultural subject matter. She has written seventeen books, including The Whole World is Dancing, Oh, Me! Oh, My! Oh How I Wish That I could Fly!, Lovely Toys of Long Ago, and Twelve Tiny Creatures. She has illustrated over forty books and has produced them through her publishing house, Marble House Editions, which specializes in memoirs and poetry for young people. Elizabeth has visited Ireland several times and has gleaned much artistic inspiration from its serene landscapes, friendly people and deep and rich culture.

About the CD producer: Gabriel Donohue is a multi-instrumentalist, international performer, and recording artist. As a teaching artist in residence, he collaborated with Doris Marie Meyer at P.S. 158 on songwriting projects that focused on a wide range of subjects, including the story of a FDNY hero of September 11th and the issue of bullying. One songwriting project that explored the history of the Great Irish Famine culminated in a performance by students for former president of Ireland, Mary McAleese. Gabriel is a professional studio engineer who has been producing CDs for musicians and singers for over thirty years. His state-of-the-art recording studio, Cove Island Productions, is located in center city Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

To order, please email the author at or call her at 917.691.2883.

Soon the Sun Will Come Up &emdash; A Refugee's Story   Soon the Sun Will Come Up
A Refugee's Story

Written by Farida Walyzada
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 67 pages, April 2019, ISBN 978-0-9966224-6-2, $12.95
For ages 9 through 15.

About this book and its author: Soon the Sun Will Come Up is the painful but triumphant story of a family that fled Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion of the 1980s. From a prosperous middle-class community, a young woman, her husband and newborn baby were forced to leave their home in search of liberty. Under cover of darkness, through perilous and arduous routes and conditions, they escaped over the Afghan border into Pakistan and ultimately made the journey to America. This is a true and inspiring story for teenagers who value learning what price refugees are willing to pay for their freedom. Farida, who works as a para-professional in an elementary school, says the inspiration to write this book came from two colleagues back in 2009. She gives special thanks to Linda Shropshire and the late Marianne Goldacker, both of whom encouraged her to write about women in Afghanistan. Farida Walyzada is a first-time author who has told her personal story for the benefit of teenagers.

About the illustrator: Elizabeth Uhlig has illustrated this and other books with paint and collage.

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

¡Buen Camino!   ¡Buen Camino!
Reflections from the Road and Trails
El Camino de Santiago

Written by Michael Jay Freeman
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 82 pages, April 2019, ISBN 978-0-9966224-5-5, $12.95

About this book and its author: Mike Freeman is a first-time author who has compiled his observations and musings of a spiritual journey through Spain to create this travelogue. His day-by-day accounts offer the reader a glimpse of his family's experiences as they made their way from the edge of France across the Spanish border to the northwest corner of the Iberian Peninsula, where they completed what is known as The Camino. In his writing, Mike shares practical knowledge of the hardships and amusements of the journey, along with the revelations and spiritual benefits gained from the experience.

Visit Dr. Mike's "Buen Camino" page on Facebook at, or try searching Facebook for it using the search string "buen camino michael jay freeman".

About the illustrator: Elizabeth Uhlig has illustrated this and other books with paint and collage.

To order your autographed copy, mail $10.00 + $3.00 postage and handling to

Buen Camino/Dr. MJ Freeman
P. O. Box 113
Walton, New York 13856

Grandmothers Who Inspired Us Across the World   Grandmothers Who Inspired Us Across the World
A Unique Collection of 31 memoirs by grown grandchildren about the strong bond and positive influence of their grandmothers

Merry Adler, Author, Collector, and Editor
Cover design by Merry Adler
Illustrated by Natasha de Francisco

Published by Marble House Editions, hardback, 204 pages, March 2019, ISBN 978-0-9966224-4-8, $16.95

About the author: Merry Adler was inspired to write this book some four decades ago because, as she states, "Nana had the most positive influence on my life. She was loving, positive, modern, tolerant of everyone on this planet and believed in the love of work and family." Her book is the culmination of a vast amount of work done with great passion.

You might be interested in this relevant article about Merry, from the GW Alumni News.

A few reviews from readers:

"This is a real treasure of a book and a tribute to all grandmothers. It is a book of 31 well written and touching essays written by grandchildren about their beloved grandmothers from throughout the world. You will laugh and cry as you read these moving and heartfelt essays. Grandmothers hold a special place in our hearts and this gem of a book captures that place and so much more. You will feel the love and strong bond between grandmother and grandchild as you read these delightful memoirs. I highly recommend that everyone should read this book! You will be inspired by positive memories of your own grandmother." — Elaine Maruca

"I am very honored to have participated in writing about my childhood memories of my grandmother in Merry Adler's book, Grandmothers Who Inspired Us Across The World. Merry has compiled 31 memoirs of delightful stories written by mostly women and a few men from all around the world. Not only are the stories tenderly reflective and heart-warming, but this book is a good read for those of us baby boomers who greatly adored our grandmothers, and for this young generation to learn how very much our grandmothers influenced our lives. The cover is exquisitely designed by Natasha de Francisco, who intuitively and creatively understood the author's vision for this wonderful book you are sure to enjoy reading and recommending to many others." — Dr. Jeanne Sheffield

"This book will warm your heart with diverse, meaningful stories. Each story reinforces the importance of a grandmother's love. Every story is special in its own way. You will find yourself smiling, laughing, and crying from the touching words about each grandmother. The author did such a nice job including stories about grandmothers from various places and walks of life. This book is a must have!" — Danielle Amodeo Caulfield

"Merry Adler's book, Grandmothers Who Inspired Us Across The World, is a heart-warming glimpse into the memories many of us have of the love and influence our grandmothers had on our lives. While some of the stories are humorous, others are deeply moving and all give lessons on how they have touched so many of us. This is a great read to just pick up and 'drop the needle' to read a myriad of stories from mostly adult grandchildren and their many experiences. Highly recommended!" — Wayne Estrada

"Many touching stories...several of them brought tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart. If you loved your grandmother, you will treasure these memoirs! Well worth the read — I loved it!" — Sharon Overholser

"What a wonderful book. The stories reminded me so fondly of both my grandmothers who were always there to provide support and warmth as I was growing up. Ms. Adler does a great job of bringing together that serve to guide me in my new role as a grandparent and relations with my grandchildren. So a 5-star recommendation for any grandparent or those who want to reflect on what our grandmothers meant to us." — Bernard J. Horak

"If you never had a relationship with your grandmother, you may find one to adopt in this uniquely wonderful, soulful book. This is a lovely collection of memoirs by mostly adults, one teenager and a few children under the age of 10. There is a cross-section of cultures and experiences in these stories. Some are historical, others humorous, some are privileged, other grandmothers had very little means. Some are safe and secure, others are trying to survive revolution and war. All are candid, unique to each grandchild and truly heart-warming." — Karrol D'Amalio

"Reading this book about so many different grandmothers was, for me, like receiving a warm snuggly hug from across time and distance. No matter where the grandmothers were from, or their backgrounds, the love and caring shine through to the grandchildren. The stories were so interesting, each individual experience being told from a unique viewpoint. It makes one realize the power of a grandparent's influence in a grandchild's life. I will be much more aware of my own influence upon my grands and try hard to create a legacy similar to the ones in this book — a high honor indeed!" — Rebecca Feldman

"This book captures the essence of grandmothers; who they are, where they come from, what made them special, and why they are so important to each of us. I enjoyed reading about the common traits so many have; like a fierce devotion to their family and a strong determination to take care of their own. Plus, apparently most were really good cooks! Each grandmother is very special to each author in their own way and that is evident in the passages. Especially poignant are the chapters highlighting words from small children talking about their Nana's. Too cute!" — Arthur C. G. Hyland

To order, email the author at or visit her website

Oh, Me, Oh My, Oh, How I Wish That I Could Fly!   Oh, Me, Oh My, Oh, How I Wish That I Could Fly!

Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, January 2018, ISBN 978-0-9966224-3-1, $12.95
For ages 3 through 8.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly?
Where would you go?
And how would you go?
Who would go with you?
You might use your own flying machine, a winged horse, or a magic carpet!

In this fanciful rhyming poem, author/illustrator Elizabeth Uhlig shows us what we can do using the power of our imagination!

A review of Oh, Me, Oh My, Oh, How I Wish That I Could Fly! may be found on the website of The Queens Gazette.

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

Our Pizza   Our Pizza

Written by Lillian Anderson
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 36 pages, November 2016, ISBN 978-0-9966224-1-7, $12.95
For ages 4 through 7.

About the book: Our Pizza is a rhyming poem and song for young children. Songwriter Lillian Anderson has collaborated again with illustrator Elizabeth Uhlig to create the third of her memory-building books (see also My Sandwich and My Taco). Included with this book are sheet music and a CD.

About the author: Lillian Anderson is a songwriter and musician who has also taught music. This is her third book, which she has dedicated to her two young grandsons.

Elizabeth Uhlig has illustrated this and other books with paint and collage.

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

Lovely Toys of Long Ago   Lovely Toys of Long Ago
An ABC Book

Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 48 pages, October 2016, ISBN 978-0-9966224-0-0, $12.95
For ages 5 through 10.

About the book: In this ABC book, we take a trip through time and see what a child's world might have looked like many years ago. Each letter of the alphabet stands for a toy, and every toy has a poem to go with it!

Elizabeth Uhlig has created the pictures for this book using paint, cloth, and paper collage. She is the author/illustrator of numerous books for readers of all ages.

A review of Lovely Toys of Long Ago may be found on the website of The Queens Gazette.

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $3.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

The Magic Chain   The Magic Chain, A Collection of Poems

Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, November 2015, ISBN 978-0-9834030-9-8, $12.95
For ages 5 through 12.

About the book: The Magic Chain is a collection of rhyming poems that are linked together by author/illustrator Elizabeth Uhlig's love of children. Created in a variety of media and styles, these poems touch on many aspects of childhood, both real and imagined.

Elizabeth Uhlig is the illustrator of numerous books for readers of all ages.

A review of The Magic Chain may be found on the website of The Queens Gazette.

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

Evelyn and the War Effort   Evelyn and the War Effort

Written by Evelyn Rothstein
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 60 pages, October 2014, ISBN 978-0-9834030-7-4, $12.95
For ages 9 through 14.

About the book: Evelyn and the War Effort is the true story of two children growing up in the Bronx during WWII. Although the war was not fought on American soil, Evelyn, Bernie, and their parents, along with millions of other Americans, pitched in to keep their community and country safe from its enemies. Proudly, they helped the men and women on the battlefield to win the war and come back home.

Evelyn Rothstein is the author of a series of books derived from the real life events of her mother and father. This story is drawn from her own childhood.

Elizabeth Uhlig is the illustrator of numerous books for readers of all ages.

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

My Taco   My Taco

Written by Lillian Anderson
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 36 pages, October 2014, ISBN 978-0-9834030-8-1, $12.95
For ages 4 through 7.

About the book: My Taco is a rhyming poem and song for very young children. Songwriter Lillian Anderson has collaborated again with illustrator Elizabeth Uhlig to create a humorous learning and memory-building tool that combines music, repetitive words, and whimsical pictures. Included with this book are sheet music and a CD.

About the author: Lillian Anderson is a songwriter and musician who has also taught music. As a music teacher, Ms. Anderson composed songs and wrote lyrics for her students.

About the illustrator: Elizabeth Uhlig has illustrated numerous books in various styles. The pictures for My Taco are collages made from felt, fabric, and paper to create the three-dimensional feeling of real food!

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

Evelyn and the Two Evas   Evelyn and the Two Evas

Written by Evelyn Rothstein
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 63 pages, April 2013, ISBN 978-0-9834030-5-0, $12.95
For ages 9 through 14.

About the book: Evelyn and the Two Evas is a story of the American home front during WWII, a tale of friendship, loss, and acceptance. In 1938, when Evelyn Rothstein was attending school in the Bronx, two new girls came to join her class. Both girls were Jewish refugees from Austria — and both were named Eva! One of the Evas had a merry disposition and spoke no English, and other was sad and serious and spoke perfect English. Evelyn was determined to befriend both girls, although each one had a different need.

Evelyn Rothstein is the author of many memoirs for young readers. This is a true story taken from her own childhood and the difficult days that came before World War II.

Elizabeth Uhlig is the illustrator of numerous books for readers of all ages.

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

The Long Way Home   The Long Way Home

Written by Joan Fitzgerald

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 114 pages, September 2012, ISBN 978-0-9834030-4-3, $12.95
For ages 9 through 16.

About the book: When fifteen-year-old Christine and her mom, Clare, move to a new city, Christine thinks life will be great. She imagines herself in a group of friends, a wonderful school, and a nice home. But that's not how it turns out. Clare's boyfriend, who had convinced Clare to make the move, soon leaves Christine and Clare stranded. Suddenly, Christine is thrust into a life that includes a rough school, a dangerous neighborhood, a shabby apartment, and constant fights with her mother. Worst of all, Christine realizes that although she has been fiercely loyal to her mother, Clare is not equally loyal to her. She has some hard choices to make — remain with her mom, or forge a new path for a better life.

About the author: Joan Fitzgerald is a poet, award-winning artist, and author for both children and young adults. This is her fourth teenage novel.

Anita Johnson, cover artist, is a painter and former art director. Her work has been widely exhibited.

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

My Sandwich   My Sandwich

Written by Lillian Anderson
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 36 pages, May 2012, ISBN 978-0-9834030-3-6, $12.95
For ages 4 through 7.

About the book: My Sandwich is a rhyming poem and song for very young children. Songwriter Lillian Anderson has collaborated with illustrator Elizabeth Uhlig to create a delightful learning and memory-building tool that combines music, repetitive words, and stimulating pictures. Included with this book are sheet music and a CD.

About the author: Lillian Anderson is a songwriter and musician who has also taught music. As a music teacher, Ms. Anderson composed songs and wrote lyrics for her students.

About the illustrator: Elizabeth Uhlig has illustrated numerous books in various styles. The pictures for My Sandwich are collages made from felt, fabric, and paper to create the three-dimensional feeling of a real sandwich!

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

And Yet, I Still Loved France   And Yet, I Still Loved France

Written by Renée Kann Silver and Connie Colker Steiner

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 247 pages, May 2012, ISBN 978-0-9834030-2-9, $14.95
For ages 16 and up.

And Yet, I Still Loved France is the account of Renée Kann Silver's childhood in the Saarland, Alsace-Lorraine and on the run in France before and during World War II. Having come to the U.S. after the war, first to Pittsburgh and then to the New York area, Ms. Silver now lives in Garden City with her two cats, Wellington and Sizi III.

Connie Colker Steiner is author of the award-winning children's book Shoes for Amelie, and author/illustrator of On Eagles' Wings and Other Things and Paul's New Ears. While living in Canada, she regularly contributed words and pictures for Sesame Street vignettes, many of which were shown around the world.

To order your autographed copy, mail $14.95 + $2.50 postage to

Renée Kann Silver
100 Hilton Avenue, Suite 609E
Garden City, New York 11530
or phone 516.414.3744, or email Renée at

Silver to Gold   Silver to Gold

Written by Sixto Reyes
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 36 pages, December 2011, ISBN 978-0-9834030-1-2, $12.95
For ages 5 through 10.

About the book: Silver to Gold is a collection of short poems that reflect nature's changes, starting with winter and moving through spring, summer and fall. In this simple book for young readers, quiet experiences are conveyed in few words accompanied by detailed, reflective illustrations.

About the author: Sixto Reyes grew up in New York City and learned to appreciate the wonders of nature while walking in Central Park. Through his observations of plants, animals, and landscapes through the seasons, he developed a passion for Haiku and short poetry. Using few words and strong images, Sixto has captured brief moments that occur in the great outdoors.

About the illustrator: Elizabeth Uhlig has illustrated numerous books for children. Using imagery from her own collections and experience, Elizabeth strives to enrich and bring to life the poet's words.

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

Clara's Great War   Clara's Great War

Written by Evelyn Rothstein
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 88 pages, July 2011, ISBN 978-0-9815345-9-6, $12.95
For ages 10 through 14.

About the book: Clara's Great War is the story of an eleven year-old girl and her family during World War I in Russia. In order to survive, Clara and her family must make room for enemy soldiers to use their home as a hospital. Clara, whose mother has died, is forced to play the role of cook, housekeeper, and helpmate to the doctor who is attending to wounded soldiers. During these times of scarce food and constant danger, Clara, who dreams of going to America, must wait out the war and not lose hope that her dream will come true.

Evelyn Rothstein and Elizabeth Uhlig have collaborated on this and other books in the series about the author's parents, Clara and Dave.

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

Dave Learns Spanish   Dave Learns Spanish

Written by Evelyn Rothstein
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 120 pages, October 2010, ISBN 978-0-9815345-8-9, $12.95
For ages 8 through 12.

About the book: Evelyn Rothstein's father, Dave, was an ambitious young man who lived on the Lower East Side. In this story, 18-year-old Dave is determined to get a good job by developing skills in Spanish and typing. But Spanish was only the first of many new languages for Dave. As an adult, he was to master twenty languages, and eventually became known as "Mr. Translator" in New York City's business world.

Books about Dave's early life are My Great Grandpa Dave and Dave the Boxer.

About the author: Evelyn Rothstein is the author of My Great Grandma Clara, My Great Grandpa Dave, and Dave the Boxer.

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

Lester's Walk   Lester's Walk

Written by Ione
Illustrated by Elizabeth G. Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 36 pages, August 2010, ISBN 978-0-9815345-5-8
For ages 7 through 10.

About the book: Ten year-old Lester lived with his family in Harlem back in the 1930s. His dad was a police officer who was well-loved by everyone in the neighborhood. Young Lester is proud of his dad, but doesn't want to grow up to be a police officer. He has other plans...until one day when he and his father take a special walk.

About the author: Ione, a first-time author, has retold the story of her grandfather, Officer Jim, and her Great Uncle Lester. A cherished family legacy, Lester's Walk is the author's message to all children about honoring their own families through their personal history.

About the illustrator: Elizabeth Uhlig, who has illustrated numerous books, enjoys doing research to evoke times and places of long ago. In Lester's Walk, she has strived to recreate the mood of Harlem of the 1930s.

"As a retired New York City detective, I congratulate my good friend Ione, who, like her grandfather Jim, had a dream. Patrolman Jim was an African-American pioneer in the New York City Police Department. Ione's dream was to tell Jim's and his son Lester's story. Today, because of men like Jim and Lester, nearly 27% of the police officers in the NYPD are African-American men and women. Mission accomplished, Ione!" — Steve McDonald, retired NYPD detective

To order your autographed copy, mail $12.95 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

Squash by Josh, b'gosh!   Squash by Josh, b'gosh!

Written by Joan Fitzgerald
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 36 pages, May 2010, ISBN 978-0-9815345-6-5
For ages 5 through 9.

About the book: Did you ever hear of a boy who loves squash? Here's Josh, a city boy with a plan to grow as much squash as he can in his family's little backyard garden. When Josh's wonderful plants grow out of control, Josh has a problem. What can he do with too much squash?

About the author: Joan Fitzgerald is the author of several books for children and young adults. Her stories capture the fantasies of young children in a realistic setting. Ms. Fitzgerald is also an artist and poet, and has won numerous awards for her work.

About the illustrator: Elizabeth Uhlig is the illustrator of many books for children, including her own stories. Using imagery from the mid-20th century, Ms. Uhlig enjoys enhancing stories in a lighthearted style, using watercolor and ink.

To order your autographed copy, mail $12.95 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

I See America!   I See America!

Written and illustrated by Elizabeth G. Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 36 pages, November 2009, ISBN 978-0-9815345-7-2
For ages 7 through 12.

About the book: I See America! is a free-verse poem that captures Elizabeth Uhlig's tender feelings about what it means to grow up and live in this country. Illustrating her words through collage, Ms. Uhlig uses materials from her own collection of archival artwork, scraps of paper, small shiny objects, ribbons, buttons, and photos, thus illuminating her wonder, admiration, and gratitude for our American way of life.

About the author: Elizabeth Uhlig is the author of many books for children, including I Want to Be and Children Just Like You, as well as her own memoir, Before We Met, which chronicles her life as an artist and writer.

A review of I See America may be found on the website of The Queens Gazette.
(This review is also available in PDF form.)

To order your autographed copy, mail $12.95 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

Clara Becomes a Citizen   Clara Becomes a Citizen

Written by Evelyn Rothstein
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 77 pages, June 2009, ISBN 978-0-9786745-7-1, $12.95
For ages 9 and up.

About the book: Clara came to America from Europe in 1920, but by the end of the 1930s she still had not become an American citizen. With work, marriage, and raising a family, there just wasn't time to study for the citizenship test. Now a war is starting in Europe and to be truly secure, Clara has got to get her naturalization papers. But how will she learn and remember everything for the test? It's a daunting task, but with her daughter's help, Clara is determined to pass.

About the author: Evelyn Rothstein is the author of My Great Grandma Clara, My Great Grandpa Dave, and Dave the Boxer.

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

An Italian American Story   An Italian American Story

A Memoir by Susan D'Angelo Mannino
Cover design by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 188 pages, May 2009, ISBN 978-0-9815345-3-4, $18.95
For ages 16 and up.

An Italian American Story is Susan D'Angelo Mannino's powerfully poignant memoir of her family and the slow decline of its beloved patriarch. Starting before her own lifetime in war torn Sicily, the author has us meet two young soldiers and two strong Sicilian women who will later become her grandparents. Moving through decades, she weaves together her youthful years in Queens, where she grew up in an intensely close-knit network of relatives and friends. With heart and humor, Ms. Mannino makes us smile, and when we finally experience her tragedy, she at last gives us hope.

A review of An Italian American Story may be found on the website of The Queens Gazette.
(This review is also available in PDF form.)

A review of An Italian American Story may be found on the website of The Juniper Berry.

To order your autographed copy, mail $18.95 + $3.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

Before We Met   Before We Met

Written by Elizabeth G. Uhlig with Collages by the Author

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 223 pages, October 2008, ISBN 978-0-9815345-0-3
For ages 9 and up.

Before We Met is a chronicle of the life of author/illustrator Elizabeth Uhlig. Starting in Queens in the 1950s, Ms. Uhlig narrates the story of her quirky, individualistic parents and their impact on the household of unique and talented siblings. As part of a large and loving family, the author has carved her own path, evolving into the artist and storyteller she is today. With young readers in mind, this is Ms. Uhlig's tender, funny, and deeply nostalgic memoir.

A review of Before We Met may be found on the website of The Queens Gazette.

To order your autographed copy, mail $17.95 + $3.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

Merry-Go-Round   Merry-Go-Round

Written by Joan Fitzgerald

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 137 pages, July 2008, ISBN 978-0-9786745-9-5
For ages 9 through 12.

About Merry-Go-Round: Fifteen year-old Sherrie Lasker is tired of her parents being so overprotective! She wants to get an after-school job, go out with friends, and have fun like other kids do. When the county fair comes to town, her mom and dad say she and her friend can only go if they are with adults. Sherrie knows her parents have good intentions, but when will they let her grow up? What Sherrie doesn't know, though, is that she is being watched by someone with bad intentions. She comes close to danger more than once, but makes a narrow escape, thanks to a surprise rescuer.

A teenage thriller, Merry-Go-Round teaches an important lesson while taking readers on a suspenseful whirlwind of a ride.

About the author: Joan Fitzgerald is a writer, poet, and an award-winning artist, who writes for both children and young adults. She draws from her wide experience with young people to create characters who are coping with real problems facing teenagers today.

Anita Johnson, cover artist, is a painter and former art director, whose work has been widely exhibited. She is the recipient of several awards.

To order your autographed copy, mail $12.95 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

Dave the Boxer   Dave the Boxer

Written by Evelyn Rothstein
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, May 2008, ISBN 0-9786745-8-8
For ages 7 through 10.

About the book: ...when Dave was fourteen, be began to visit a place called a Settlement House where boys and girls could play ping pong or checkers or do sports. One of the sports was boxing. Dave liked to watch boxing and began to wonder. "Maybe I can be a boxer. I like boxing and I think boxers make more money than newspaper boys or flower sellers or even working on a coal wagon."

Dave, a young boy living in Old New York, needs to find a way to help support his family. After considering some of the everyday jobs on the Lower East Side, like selling newspapers or having a pushcart, Dave decides to try his hand at amateur boxing. This is a story about courage, determination and self acceptance.

About the author: Evelyn Rothstein is an educator and consultant who is creating stories of the past for children of today. Like her previous books, My Great Grandma Clara and My Great Grandpa Dave, Dave the Boxer is a memoir and tribute to the author's parents.

To order your autographed copy, mail $12.95 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

My Great Grandpa Dave   My Great Grandpa Dave

Written by Evelyn Rothstein
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 34 pages, May 2007, ISBN 0-9786745-1-0
For ages 9 through 12.

About the book: One morning, at the end of September, I was shooting baskets when a man came up to me and said, "I'm a truant officer for the school. Why are you in the park when you belong in school?" This was the first time that a truant officer had ever come up to me in five years.

Dave is a young boy growing up in New York City about 100 years ago. When he is sent home from school by the school nurse at age seven, he goes to work to help his family and misses five years of school. With the help of his beloved sister Lena, who teaches him at home, Dave learns to read poetry, recite Shakespeare, and becomes a champion speller. This is the touching story of a boy and his sister, and their love for learning.

About the author: Evelyn Rothstein is an educator and school consultant who works with children of all ages. Her goal is to broaden readers' views of history and the role that family plays in shaping our lives. This is Ms. Rothstein's second storybook for young readers.

To order your autographed copy, mail $12.95 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

Memoir Writing and Illustrating for Children   Memoir Writing and Illustrating for Children
and Teacher's Guide

Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 60 pages, September 2003, ISBN 0-9677047-2-3
For ages 8 and up.

To the young author: Have you ever thought about writing your own family story? Here is a step by step guide to show you how! You will learn about where ideas for stories come from, how to organize them, how to illustrate them and how to create a real life book that others will enjoy reading.

To the teacher: Memoir Writing and Illustrating for Children encapsulates the process of creating a memoir, making it palatable for young authors and suitable for classroom use. You will find a Teacher's Guide at the back that will enhance this process as you walk through it with your students. May you enjoy every step of this experience!

To order your autographed copy, mail $13.00 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

My Great Grandma Clara   My Great Grandma Clara

Written by Evelyn Rothstein
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, July 2006, ISBN 0-9677047-8-2
For ages 9 through 12.

About the book: "This is the story of My Great Grandma Clara, who was my dad's grandma. She lived so long ago that I never knew her, but I know about her from my own grandma..." With this opening, Evelyn Rothstein introduces us to the story of Clara, a story she wanted her own grandchildren to know.

Clara grew up around the time of World War I, in a poor Jewish community in Russia. Family life was filled with hardships. Clara wanted to go to school, wear fashionable clothes and live a better life. And although there were many obstacles to this dream — the loss of her mother, soldiers who occupy the family's home, and a very difficult trip across Europe, Clara and her younger sister eventually made the long journey to America.

About the author: Evelyn Rothstein is an educator and school consultant who works with children of all ages. Her goal is to broaden readers' views of history and the role that family plays in shaping our lives. The author of many educational books for teachers, Evelyn Rothstein has now written her first storybook for young readers.

To order your autographed copy, mail $12.95 + $2.00 postage to

Marble House Editions
67-66 108th Street, Suite D27
Forest Hills, New York 11375
or phone 718.896.4186, or email

The following eighteen books are out of print and therefore no longer available.
However, it is possible they can be found at used and out-of-print booksellers.

Between the Shadows, 2nd Edition   The following book is out of print:

Between the Shadows, Second Edition

Written by Frima Laub
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 84 pages, June 2009, ISBN 978-0-9815345-2-7, $12.95
For ages 9 and up.

A fascinating, suspenseful story that has been enlarged to contain more details and is suitable for Yeshiva libraries and religious Jewish communities.

Between the Shadows is the amazing account of a little girl's survival on her own during WWII. Born into a well-to-do Polish Jewish family, Frima Gleiser was forced to leave her home as the Nazis invaded her town. When Frima's father was arrested, her mother placed her with a family and took her older daughter to seek refuge in Romania. Two weeks later, Frima was out on the street. Using her ingenuity and resourcefulness to find hiding places, she never lost her will to go on. She endured the harsh Polish winter alone until she was reunited with her mother and sister, but never saw her father again.

Frima Gleiser Laub, a first-time author, shares her poignant memoir of faith, will, and determination.

Between the Shadows is out of print.

Between the Shadows   The following book is out of print:

Between the Shadows

Written by Frima Laub
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 76 pages, August 2007, ISBN-10 0-9786745-2-9, ISBN-13 978-0-9786745-2-6
For ages 10 through 14.

Between the Shadows is the amazing account of a little girl's survival on her own during WWII.

Born into a well-to-do Polish Jewish family, Frima Gleiser was forced to leave her home as the Nazis invaded her town. When Frima's father was arrested, her mother placed her with a family and took her older daughter to seek refuge in Romania. Two weeks later, Frima was out on the street. Using her ingenuity and resourcefulness to find hiding places, she never lost her will to go on. She endured the harsh Polish winter alone until she was reunited with her mother and sister, but never saw her father again.

Frima Gleiser Laub, a first-time author, shares her poignant memoir of faith, will, and determination.

This book includes a study guide for students.

Between the Shadows is out of print.

Twelve Tiny Creatures   The following book is out of print:

Twelve Tiny Creatures

Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, August 2013, ISBN 978-0-9834030-6-7, $12.95
For ages 3 through 7.

About the book: Twelve Tiny Creatures, a rhyming picture book, tells young readers about some of nature's smallest beings -- the ladybug, the hummingbird, the turtle, and others. In just a few lines of poetry, we learn some interesting facts and secrets about the way these little friends live.

Elizabeth Uhlig is the author and illustrator of many books for children. She creates her artwork using a variety of styles and materials.

A review of Twelve Tiny Creatures may be found on the website of The Queens Gazette.

Twelve Tiny Creatures is out of print.

Ricardo and the Fisherman   The following book is out of print:

Ricardo and the Fisherman

Written and illustrated by Joan Eiseman

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, September 2007, ISBN 0-9786745-2-9
For ages 7 through 10.

About the book: Set against the lush backdrop of 17th century Spain, Ricardo and the Fisherman is the story of a fabulously wealthy family with a down-to-earth problem. Little Ricardo's parents can afford to give him everything money can buy, including the fanciest and tastiest food in all of Europe - but he won't eat! His devoted father holds a contest to find the world's best chef — and what a surprise the outcome is!

About the Author/Illustrator: Joan Eiseman is an accomplished artist who has channeled her knowledge of world cultures and cuisines into this charming folktale. Richly colorful and detailed paintings and mouthwatering descriptions of places, people and food give luster and vitality to this old fashioned story with a timeless lesson. Ms. Eiseman is also the author and illustrator of The Tale of Jackie Berry.

Ricardo and the Fisherman is out of print.

From Dachau to D-Day   The following book is out of print:

From Dachau to D-Day

A Memoir by Werner Kleeman with Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 322 pages, August 2007, ISBN 0-9786745-3-7
For ages 16 and up.

About From Dachau to D-Day: As the 19-year old son of a prominent German Jewish family, Werner Kleeman was a victim of Kristallnacht. He saw the betrayal of his Jewish neighbors as fellow villagers gleefully destroyed their homes and property. He was sent to Dachau, but by the grace of a family friend, was released after six weeks, and left Germany for good.

As a new American, Kleeman was drafted and sent overseas to participate in the D-Day invasion. The end of the war brought him back to his own hometown, where he confronted the wreckage of the Jewish community. Denouncing those citizens who participated in Kristallnacht, Kleeman redeemed at least some of the suffering of fellow Jews.

This story spans a lifetime, reaching back before the war and beyond the war's end. It tells of how one individual used life's circumstances to contribute to the betterment of those around him.

  • A review of From Dachau to D-Day may be found on the website of The New York Times.
  • A review of From Dachau to D-Day may be found on the website of The Queens Gazette.
    (This review is also available in PDF form.)
  • A review of From Dachau to D-Day may be found on the website of The Queens Courier.
  • An article pertaining to From Dachau to D-Day may be found on the website of London's Daily Mail.

From Dachau to D-Day is out of print.

The Tale of Jackie Berry   The following book is out of print:

The Tale of Jackie Berry

Written and illustrated by Joan Eiseman

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, September 2005, ISBN 0-9677047-5-87
For ages 7 through 10.

About the author and her book: Joan Eiseman is an accomplished oil painter and sculptor. A native New Yorker, Ms. Eiseman has used her talent to passionately record beloved neighborhoods and familiar settings that are fast disappearing in today's world.

In her first book, The Tale of Jackie Berry, Ms. Eiseman has painted in words and pictures the Brooklyn of the 1950's that exists only in memory. This is a captivating story of a young boy who yearns to own the "magic boots" he has seen in the antique shop window. Warmly told in an engaging, narrative style, The Tale of Jackie Berry will appeal to anyone who has ever longed to have their dearest wish come true.

Ms. Eiseman, who has traveled worldwide, draws from her broad spectrum of colorful experiences to bring home a brightly-textured story that readers of all ages will enjoy.

A review of The Tale of Jackie Berry may be found on the website of the Western Queens Gazette.

The Tale of Jackie Berry is out of print.

Albe's Apple   The following book is out of print:

Albe's Apple

Written by Tara Seiden Furgiuele
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, September 2009, ISBN 978-0-9815345-4-1, $12.95
For ages 5 through 8.

About the book: Albe's Apple is the story of a little boy, just about your age, who lives out in the country. Albe loves apples, and one day finds the perfect one growing on his neighbor's tree. The apple doesn't belong to Albe, but how can he resist? Albe finds out how terrible it feels to do something he knows is wrong and soon finds a way to make everything right again.

About the author: Tara Seiden Furgiuele, a teacher and the mother of twins, is a first-time author. She has based Albe's Apple on a childhood experience in which she and some local children ate the pears from a neighbor's tree. The author hopes young readers will benefit from the lesson she learned so long ago.

About the illustrator: Elizabeth Uhlig has created the pictures for Albe's Apple and many other books. Working in watercolor and ink, Ms. Uhlig strives to convey the mood of the books she knew as a child in the 1950s.

Albe's Apple is out of print.

Children Just Like You   The following book is out of print:

Children Just Like You

Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 36 pages, October 2007, ISBN 0-9786745-6-1
For ages 7 through 10.

About the book: Children Just Like You is a rhyming book that celebrates the childhood pleasures common to young people all over the world — having a pet, listening to a story, or spending time with a grandparent. Just as American children love these pastimes, children in other countries enjoy them too — but they have their own way of doing so! Take this little journey and see how much alike children are, no matter where in the world we go.

About the author: Elizabeth Uhlig, artist and author, has drawn from her varied experiences with children all over the world to create this lighthearted book. With the goal of engendering knowledge of other cultures, Ms. Uhlig has written several books for young readers, including Rainwalk, The Whole World Is Dancing, and Memoir Writing and Illustrating for Children.

Children Just Like You is out of print.

I Want To Be   The following book is out of print:

I Want To Be

Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, October 2008, ISBN 978-0-9815345-1-0
For ages 3 through 6.

About the book: I Want To Be is a rhyming fantasy for very young readers that shows the possibilities of the imagination. How many different journeys can we take in a day? We can stay close to home or be carried off on the wings of our fanciful thoughts and ideas.

About the author: Elizabeth Uhlig is the author and illustrator of several books of rhyming poetry for children. Her goal is to enliven young minds and tap into the natural creativity that resides in all children. Also specializing in memoirs, Ms. Uhlig has written a number of stories, including her own autobiography, entitled Before We Met.

I Want To Be is out of print.

What Is It About Doggies?   The following book is out of print:

What Is It About Doggies?

Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 36 pages, October 2011, ISBN 978-0-9834030-0-5, $12.95
For ages 5 through 10.

Author and illustrator Elizabeth Uhlig has created What Is It About Doggies? as a tribute to the many dogs in her neighborhood. Illustrated in a variety of styles, this fanciful rhyming poem expresses Ms. Uhlig's affection and appreciation for dogs everywhere.

A review of What Is It About Doggies? may be found on the website of The Queens Gazette.
(This review is also available in PDF form.)

What Is It About Doggies? is out of print.

Dark Towers   The following book is out of print:

Dark Towers

Written by Joan Fitzgerald

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 240 pages, March 2007, ISBN 0-9786745-0-2
For ages 10 and up.

About Dark Towers: Rose Hammond wants nothing more in the world than to find her father, whom she has never known. Intrigued by the idea that she may be part Hispanic, Rose tries to find an identity that she can be proud of. Her mother means well, but will not tell Rose anything about her heritage. Every day is a challenge for this teenager, who wants to have friends, succeed in school, and be accepted. The frustrating mystery that has been haunting Rose unfolds in a surprising way, as unforeseen and sometimes unpleasant events steer her toward finding the essential piece of the puzzle. In this highly suspenseful and deeply touching story, we see how a young person's life can fall completely into place, just when they thought they didn't fit in anywhere.

About the author: Joan Fitzgerald has written books that delight young children and capture the interest of teenagers. Her stories bring to life real situations and extraordinary characters she has known. Dark Towers is her fourth children's book.

Anita Johnson, cover artist, is a painter and former art director, whose work has been widely exhibited. She is the recipient of several awards.

Dark Towers is out of print.

Rainwalk   The following book is out of print:


Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, September 2006, ISBN 0-9677047-9-0
For ages 5 through 8.

About the book: Rainwalk is a quartet of poems about the four seasons, written to show young readers the simplicity and pleasure in taking a walk in one's own neighborhood. We see that each season holds it own magic if we just enjoy the stillness and take in the color and detail that nature has created for us.

About the author: Elizabeth Uhlig, a former children's librarian, is an artist and author whose goal is to help children bring out their own creativity and ability to discover the mystery and beauty of the world around them. Ms. Uhlig's other books include Grandmother Mary, and Anna Pavlova, Jewel of the Ballet, Memoir Writing and Illustrating for Children, and The Whole World Is Dancing.

A review of Rainwalk may be found on the website of The Western Queens Gazette.

Rainwalk is out of print.

The Iris House   The following book is out of print:

The Iris House

Written by Joan Fitzgerald
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, June 2006, ISBN 0-9677047-7-4
For ages 10 and up.

About The Iris House: Sixteen-year old Jessie Chamberlain longs to be like other girls her age, but she knows she's different because she has never been able to speak! While Jessie is trying to cope with the challenges that all teenagers face — making friends, doing well in school and just being happy — she finds herself in the middle of a terrifying mystery...she is being held captive by nightmares in which she is another person from another time! The key to this puzzle lies in the dilapidated old house on the hill that seems to draw Jessie in so powerfully every time she passes by.

But there is a solution to Jessie's problems. Each chapter of The Iris House offers a clue to how Jessie will resolve all the loose ends in her life and finally find the answers to her frustrating circumstances as well as the happiness she is seeking.

About the author: Joan Fitzgerald is a writer, poet and an award winning artist, who has written books for both children and young adults. As a former teacher, Ms. Fitzgerald has drawn from her experience with teenagers to create characters who are believable and who reflect the many problems young people face during the process of growing up.

The Iris House is out of print.

The Whole World Is Dancing   The following book is out of print:

The Whole World is Dancing, a book in rhyme

Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, September 2005, ISBN 0-9677047-6-6

About the author and her book: Is there any place on earth where people do not love to dance? Wherever we go, we can always find people happily moving to music! The Whole World is Dancing will take you on a 'round-the-world journey to see many of the ways in which dancing expresses gladness and tradition while using beautiful costumes and local, original music.

Elizabeth Uhlig has always loved folkloric dancing, with its hidden messages, colorful costumes and joyful songs. In her latest book, she has created an ensemble of poems that convey world culture as it is interpreted through dance. Ms. Uhlig's other books include Memoir Writing and Illustrating for Children, Grandmother Mary, and Anna Pavlova, Jewel of the Ballet.

A review of The Whole World is Dancing may be found on the website of The Western Queens Gazette.

The Whole World is Dancing is out of print.

Not Another Christmas   The following book is out of print:

Not Another Christmas

Written by Joan Fitzgerald
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, November 2004, ISBN 0-9677047-4-X

About the author and her book: Joan Fitzgerald, who is an author, poet, and an award-winning abstract artist, has written this delightful tale of what happened the year Santa decided he'd had enough! Children will enjoy reading about how Santa's decision to take a vacation instead of delivering gifts on Christmas Eve turns out not to be such a good idea after all. Ms. Fitzgerald is also the author of The Magic Lunch Box, a cross-cultural picture book with an important message for any child who has trouble making friends.

About the illustrator: Elizabeth Uhlig is a children's librarian as well as an author, illustrator and translator of children's books. A specialist in memoir writing, her own works include Grandmother Mary, Anna Pavlova — Jewel of the Ballet, and Memoir Writing and Illustrating for Children. Ms. Uhlig has also illustrated Joan Fitzgerald's first book, The Magic Lunch Box.

Not Another Christmas is out of print.

The Magic Lunch Box   The following book is out of print:

The Magic Lunch Box

Written by Joan Fitzgerald
Illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, January 2004, ISBN 0-9677047-3-1

The Magic Lunch Box is now out of print, but a few copies are available directly from the publisher by calling 718.896.4186.

The Magic Lunch Box is out of print.

Anna Pavlova, Jewel of the Ballet   The following book is out of print:

Anna Pavlova, Jewel of the Ballet

Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, paperback, 32 pages, September 2003, ISBN 0-9677047-1-5

How many children know exactly what they want to do with their lives when they're only eight years old? Here is Anna Pavlova, a little girl in long-ago Russia, who found her calling and brought ballet to people all over the world. In this colorfully illustrated memoir, we learn how a determined young person followed her heart, accomplished her mission and left the world a lasting legacy of beauty.

Anna Pavlova, Jewel of the Ballet is out of print.

Grandmother Mary   The following book is out of print:

Grandmother Mary

Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Marble House Editions, hardcover, 32 pages, January 2001, ISBN 0-9677047-0-7

Have you ever known anyone who has lived almost an entire century? Here is Grandmother Mary, who is known and loved by everyone in her neighborhood. She is the great-grandmother of a big family and lives in a charming little house.

Come and listen as Grandmother Mary tells us about her interesting life, starting with her unusual childhood during World War I. Together, we'll move through the decades of the twentieth century as families, neighborhoods, and relationships are woven into a beautiful pattern of love and dedication. You'll learn about one woman's journey from loneliness and isolation to the center of a loving family.

A review of Grandmother Mary may be found on the website of The Western Queens Gazette.

Though out of print, some used copies of Grandmother Mary are still available from Alibris. The book is also available in the Queens Borough Public Library and the Brooklyn Public Library systems, both in the City of New York.

Grandmother Mary is out of print.

Books by Elizabeth Uhlig from Other Publishers
Beginner's Greek with 2 Audio CDs   Beginner's Greek with 2 Audio CDs

Written by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Hippocrene Books, paperback, 200 pages, October 2006, ISBN 0-7818100-1-9, $29.95

The Beginner's series offers basic language instruction, presenting grammar, vocabulary, and common phrases in clear, concise lessons. Review questions and exercises accompany each lesson. Historical and cultural material gives insight into customs and everyday situations. Books in the series are an ideal companion for students, travelers, and businesspeople.

This introduction to Modern Greek is designed for both classroom use and self-study. The 12 lessons combine dialogues with easy-to-follow grammatical explanations, and include vocabulary, cultural information, and exercises that reinforce the material covered. Each lesson builds upon the previous one, allowing the student to gain confidence and mastery over the language. The audio CDs complement the dialogue and vocabulary sections of the book, helping the student to understand the language as spoken.

Elizabeth Uhlig is a translator and professional illustrator. Fluent in seven languages, she holds degrees from McGill University and Queens College. She presently lives in the City of New York.

Beginner's Greek   Beginner's Greek

Written by Elizabeth Uhlig

Published by Hippocrene Books, paperback, 200 pages, October 2003, ISBN 0-7818100-1-9, $16.95

Beginner's Greek is a 12-lesson course for students who wish to read, write, and speak modern Greek. Logically laid out chapters build upon one another and allow the student to gain confidence and mastery over the language. Each chapter includes a dialogue with translation, vocabulary, grammar lessons, exercises, and an essay designed to give the reader insight into Greek language and culture.

Beginner's Greek is available from the publisher, Hippocrene Books, for $16.95 and from Barnes & Noble for $16.95.

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